An agile OSHC curriculum co-designed with you to support the holistic needs of every child

We take a collaborative approach to implementing experiences and empowering children to take ownership of the program, as well as providing opportunities for intentional teaching by our educators. All activities aim to support the healthy development of children, underpinned by our mission to inspire a love of learning in every child we support.

Our learning approach

We co-design robust learning curriculums to meet the unique and holistic needs of children in our care. Each custom-made curriculum addresses the key pillars that inspire a lifelong love of learning in children. Our approach meets the National Quality Framework for School Aged Care.


Inspiring an enduring love of learning in every child

Providing children with fun, play based activities that promotes learning through play.

OSHC activity offering (EG): Music and singing, painting

Encouraging healthy social connections that teach children to form healthy social habits with others.

OSHC activity offering (EG): Dramatic play & team building projects

Encouraging children to explore and better connect with their inner self.

OSHC activity offering (EG): Arts and crafts

Immersing children in multi-cultural experiences.
Respecting and learning about First Nations’ cultures.

OSHC activity offering (EG): Traditional cooking, music and dance, language and storytelling immersion

Sharing local environmental knowledge and encouraging a care and respect for our local environment. Encouraging sustainable mindsets.

OSHC activity offering (EG): Community gardening and sustainable projects

Providing tailored psychology practices to meet individual mental health needs.

OSHC activity offering (EG): Mentoring and meditative activities

Promoting fun, diverse, group sports and outdoor games that encourage healthy and active longterm habits.

OSHC activity offering (EG): Outdoor and Indoor sports

Equipping children and families with tools to build positive relationships with themselves and others.

OSHC activity offering (EG): Family resilience workshops

Safety comes first

The YMCA NT takes very seriously its responsibilities to protect children, young people and other vulnerable people who use our facilities and services.

The YMCA NT strictly adheres to all the requirements under the Care and Protection of Children Act and the Education and Care Services National Regulations and the National Law. All educators are required to hold a current Working with Children Check Card (Ochre Card) and a National Police Check. All educators undertake Safeguarding Training and Mandatory Reporting training.


Creating an OSHC experience that is just right for you

At the YMCA NT, we believe in the importance of understanding the unique needs of every family, to deliver a tailored OSHC experience for your school community. We build strong relationships with families and use open communication throughout the experience so we can best cater to the needs of every family and assist in any way that we can. Our caring and empathetic approach will help deliver an inspiring OSHC service for every child.

YMCA NT OSHC Staff Testimonial